I am joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch to celebrating her 10 years and 500th Tablescape Thursday this week. She invited everyone to share 10 of their favorite tables. It was so hard to pick my favorites as I enjoyed each one that I have created over the last 6 years of tablescaping. I selected 10 tables and added a couple pictures of a few favorites that I created before I had a blog.
I discovered Susan's blog in 2009 or 2010. I love to decorate and needed to find a hobby that I could enjoy while working on call at home nights and weekends. I work in the private jet charter industry and we work 24/7 in order to fly people on demand all over the world. I was literally tied to my home office desk when on call so creating tablescapes was a great outlet. Susan's tables are always so beautiful and she explains in detail how she pulls everything together which was very helpful. I would read and enjoy everyone's post on Tablescape Thursday. Prior to Pinterest I was saving pictures on my computer. Thank goodness for Pinterest as it makes it much easier to save and find later for inspiration.
One week a fellow blogger mentioned she had purchased plates at her local Goodwill. I happened to remember there was a Goodwill Superstore about 2 miles from my home so I hit the street with my work cell phone in hand. I was in plate heaven!!! I started my collection that now is probably somewhere close to 500 plates of all sizes, colors etc. In 2011 I started to decorate tables and post them to my Facebook and Instagram. In the Summer of 2016 I started my blog. I do my best to have a new table every week unless there is a family emergency or a hurricane that chases me to higher ground. I missed an entire month last Fall due to Hurricane Irma.
I also follow Susan's other blogs during the week and they are very informative. Years ago she covered clear glass dinner plates with a clock themed fabric (I think it was an ironing board cover) for New Years. I searched high and low for the longest time for that cover or fabric, but no luck. One day I was in Michael's and found clock scrapbook paper. Out I go with paper and a few days later I had plates for New Years Eve. You'll see the plates below that I made and the link to Susan's post.
Below are a couple tables that I created prior to starting my blog.
The Queen's Diamond Jubilee tablescape in June 2012. This was one of my first creations. |
The 50th Super Bowl tablesape in February 2016. I have decorated for Super Bowl since the late 80's so I have a large collection of football items. |
One of my first Oscar tables. This was my first try at the tuxedo napkin fold. I also made the bow ties by hand using a childs bow tie pattern I found online.
Thank you Susan for 10 years and 500 weeks of fabulous tables and for the inspiration to create. I look forward to 10 more years and the 1000th tablescape. I hope I'm still turning tables right along with you and my fellow tablescapers.
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